Health & Safety
The health and safety of your child is our number one concern. We have a trained staff who will handle all medical needs for your child.
Leaving your child for a week overnight can come with a lot of questions about how they'll be taken care of and who's in charge. We strive to make sure that all your questions are answered before camp so that you can relax knowing your child is in good hands. No matter what time of day or night it is, your camper's safety is our top priority. Camp Tanase is staffed with Tennessee State Park Rangers that are State Commissioned Law Enforcement Officers. This means each Ranger is a trained paramedic and emergency medical technician. Each Ranger and staff member will make every effort to keep our campers safe and healthy throughout the week.
In order to best take care of your child, we require you to fill out a Health History Form during registration on CampDoc. This allows us to gather essential information on your child's health and allows you to tell us about any significant medical problems. You can add and alter your health information at any time through your CampDoc portal.

Emergency Notification of Parent or Guardian
Emergency Notification of Parent/Guardian
Visit to a healthcare provider outside of camp
Refusal to take medication
Regurgitation of medication
If your child is running a fever of over 100.5
If your child is unable to participate in more than two activity periods
If an emergency arises while at camp, our staff will make every effort to contact you by phone. If your camper has a need for an out-of-camp healthcare visit and we cannot reach you, we will make the safest decisions for treatment. Please attach a letter to your camper’s Health History Form if you want us to follow a practice other than described above.
Located on the Health History Form you will receive after registration, is an area designated for reporting your health insurance information. All campers must have valid health insurance and may not remain at camp without proof of insurance.
Medication at Camp
Prescription medication given to your camper must meet the following criteria:
Prescribed to his/her by a physician.
In the original prescription container (do not place medicine in baggies or medicine boxes) and labeled with this following information on the label: camper’s name, prescription number, medication name and dosage, how to administer, date, licensed prescriber’s name, and pharmacy name, address, and phone number.
If instructions are different than prescription bottle, bring detailed written instructions from licensed physician.
Medication that is not received in the conditions above will not be dispensed to your camper. All medications are dispensed by the healthcare staff or trained staff member.
Non-prescription medication administered in our healthcare facility includes acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol), antacids (e.g. Tums), allergy medication (e.g. Benadryl), antibiotic ointment and other topical ointments (e.g. triple antibiotic cream and Hydrocortisone), powder (e.g. talc powders and medicated powders), cleanser (e.g. rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide), eye drops, and ear drops.
Any restrictions or additions regarding over the counter medication must be noted on the camper’s Health History Form.
Essential oils may not be kept in campers' belongings. Essential oils must be turned into healthcare staff with written reason for use, direction for use, and signed permission to use.
To discuss additional health information, please contact your camp director as soon as possible.

Exposure to Outdoor Elements
Tennessee State Parks provide access to outdoor activities and attempt to maintain the surroundings and grounds of the facilities in a natural state. Pests inhabit the surroundings and grounds of its outdoor facilities and those such pests pose a risk to safety. By sending your child to camp, you are voluntarily exposing him/her to a natural habitat including potential exposure to pests. Tennessee State Parks is not responsible for injuries, harm, or inconvenience associated with pests. If a camper does suffer an injury such as an insect bite or poison ivy, they will be treated promptly with first aid from our Rangers.
Inclement Weather
Camp happens rain or shine. In the event of severe weather, while your camper is at camp, our first priority is safety. We will update you via e-mail, phone, or text as soon as possible in the event of weather emergencies. Some activities, such as aquatic and adventure activities, may be delayed or canceled due to inclement weather. We will do our best to accommodate unexpected changes in weather, but cannot guarantee participation in an activity if it is not safe for campers and adults.

Exposure to Outdoor Elements
Tennessee State Parks provide access to outdoor activities and attempt to maintain the surroundings and grounds of the facilities in a natural state. Pests inhabit the surroundings and grounds of its outdoor facilities and those such pests pose a risk to safety. By sending your child to camp, you are voluntarily exposing him/her to a natural habitat including potential exposure to pests. Tennessee State Parks is not responsible for injuries, harm, or inconvenience associated with pests. If a camper does suffer an injury such as an insect bite or poison ivy, they will be treated promptly with first aid from our Rangers.